Bed bugs


              I am wondering how I can find out if my apartment I am renting or the building in which my apartment is in has had a previous problem with bed bugs? and If so how was the problem treated? I have lived in my apartment for almost 6 months.Just recently, my son has started getting bites all over him.This morning I awoke to find 2 large bed bugs on my furniture! 1 on my couch and the other on my love seat! How do I find out if this hs happened to anyone else who has lived in this apartment or building here?

Edited on: Sunday, February 9th, 2014 8:20 am

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Bed Bugs

By Carolyn

In the state of Kansas who is responsible for the extermination of bed bugs the landlord or tenant? We live in a duplex and both sides have them.

Edited on: Monday, July 29th, 2013 1:59 pm

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bed bugs

By Ken

can a landlord ask a person to go get checked out from their doctor of it is okay for them to comeback into an apartment?

Edited on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 2:35 pm

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bed bugs

By tristan

i live in a double my next door neighbor has bed bugs now we have them want to call and file a complaint with you guys so you can deal with my landlord we have lived here for over 6 years 

Edited on: Saturday, July 6th, 2013 12:19 pm

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Bed bugs

By Cindy

I live in an apartment complex in Lancaster, PA.  I have lived there for 1 1/2 years.  I noticed bedbugs in my apartment.  I left the office know and now they say that I am responsible for cost of extermination $1500.00+.  They say that I am responsible because no one else in the building has complained about bedbugs but me.   Am I responsible for all cost of extermination?

Edited on: Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 10:20 am

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bed bugs

By no name plz

Edited on: Friday, April 26th, 2013 10:18 pm

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bed bugs

By shirley

In NC, who is responsible for this bill from the exterminator being that i have been in the apartment almost 9 years and discovered bed bugs the other day?

Edited on: Sunday, April 21st, 2013 9:05 pm

One Response to “bed bugs”

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April 24th, 2013 1:18 am

Hi Shirley!What does your lease say about bug infestations? If it says that your landlord must pay for the treatment then he must. If he refuses then you can file a complaint against your landlord. You have two ways to do it. You can either ask a lawyer to represent you or you can ask assistance from a private mediation company like the RPA.

bed bugs


i first came across the bed bug problem about two weeks ago.. i immediatlu contacted the building management and then my landlord my landlord took about a week before he took care of the problem. it has now been two wesks and i.noticed that the treatment my landlord used didnt work and i still have bedbugs. i was wondering if he would be responsible for not only the treatment to get rid of the bed bugs but to get all my clothing and bedding cleaned again. it cost me near 150 the last time to get everything ib my house clean. i ws also wondering if he would have to find me a new place to live if the problem.continues or if i could break lease do to this problem. im very concerned because i have a two month old and i feel like he should not be living in this environment.i have nsver had this problem before and have no idea how to go about this. please help if u can

Edited on: Thursday, April 11th, 2013 4:18 am

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Bed bugs


I just moved into a town home that has bedbugs.  On the first day I noticed them.  What are my rights in this situation?

Edited on: Monday, February 4th, 2013 12:45 pm

One Response to “Bed bugs”

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February 4th, 2013 7:49 pm

First of all, your landlord should be informed about the bed bug problem. Once informed, your landlord must pay for the treatment costs in order to have your town house bed bug free. It is the responsibility of your landlord to ensure that the rental property is habitable at all times. Now if you’ve already informed your landlord and no action has been done, then it’s time to file a formal complaint against him. RPA has that option under their complaints tab. You may want to use their services.

Bed Bugs

By anonymous

I have been renting my appartment from past 5 years. Since last month I have been having bed bugs problem in my appartment.

I am scared of asking my leasing office for extermination because they might blame me for the bed bug problem. Currently in my area there is huge influx of people and there are no new appartments available for renting. So I do not want to be kickced out of my current unit and neither have the money to exriminate the bed bugs.
So I want to make sure what are my rights before I talk to my lease owners, I do not want to piss them off and have myself homeless if I file a complaint against them.

Edited on: Friday, December 21st, 2012 11:38 pm

One Response to “Bed Bugs”

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December 23rd, 2012 10:44 am

Bed bugs could be caused by infestation coming from pets or people who visit you through the things they brought. If in case this would happen, you can try asking your landlord if they have a bed bug plan ahead of time. Sometimes we all get scared that we may be evicted but it is at most of the times a part of the landlord’s job to have back up plans for infestations like this. You can try talking to them and if there is an agreement it would be good news. Otherwise, you can always seek legal aid or do the extermination yourself.


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