Bed bug solutions

By anonymous

I am renting a house in San Jose and until recently have had a great relationship with my landlord who lives in another state. Recently upon my return from a week vacation, my neighbor comes by and says to me “thanks for letting us use the freezer in your cellar, we had a bed bug infestation and needed to freeze some items.  We called your landlord since you were’nt home and he said we could bring the freezer out of the cellar and use it.”

They have since put the freezer back.  Now my concerns are two-fold….first I’m petrified I’m going to get an infestation from their use of the freezer and secondly, no one notified me this was going on.  As a matter a fact my landlord still has’nt mentioned it!
Should I get an infestation who’s liable?  Can I get any kind of bed bug solutions?

Edited on: Monday, November 5th, 2012 1:53 pm

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