bed bug problem in my apartment

By mammyspanx

I moved into an apt. building that has a bed bug problem. I know this because while I was moving in, other tenants were trashing everything they own (matresses, couches, chairs, clothes, ect…). I live on the top floor. I noticed bed bugs around the 2nd or 3rd month i moved in and immediately slammed my landlord with emails. Exterminators came…I cleverly asked how the units downstairs were doing and they said “theyre doing a lot now better actually”. Well thats great. Now I have the problem. I trashed my bed and a bunch of other stuff…havn’t been using the bedroom for a month. Had to buy a new mattress…to scarred to bring it in my apt just yet…

They decided to stop the exterminator visits for some reason. I asked why and they wouldn’t say. I havnt seen any bites for almost 2 weeks but Im very petrified of them coming back. Especially because the units below me are only “doing better”.
I asked my landlord for a discount on a future months rent because I am paying for a one bedroom and I havn’t been using it…they said “Well talk about it later”. Then they tried to say that the exterminator said that I brought the bed bugs in. Ya. I brought them in from walking up those dirty steps. Jerks.
Is there anyway I can get a discount on my rent for this? Should I file a complaint with the RPA even though the problem is not as bad anymore…just as a precautionary measure?
any response at all would be soooo helpful!!!!

Edited on: Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 8:57 am

2 Responses to “bed bug problem in my apartment”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Harry Case

December 21st, 2010 9:22 am

You really didn’t have to trash your mattress. You could have encased it and your box spring or foundation in bed bug proof encasements. If you don’t know where to find them locally you can order them here:


January 23rd, 2013 2:48 am

I am having problem in my rental home with bed bugs. I called the professional exterminators to take care of it; but only after I filed a complaint with the RPA. The landlord finally agreed to take care of the problem.


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