Bay window

By Amber

I have a 3 panel bay window in my bedroom; the apartment complex had tinted the windows but the tint is so light I feel as if it doesn’t help keep the sun from heating up my bedroom to the point you instantly start sweating soon as you open the door. The heat is almost unbearable and we havent even entered the triple digits, and soon as the sun starts shining the room gets hotter. I have tried to keep my bedroom door shut that way I can keep the other rooms cool. I am located upstairs and there is moderate shade from the trees and I love and enjoy my windows but what I am inquiring is it okay to ask the apartment complex to tint the window darker due to the extreme heat and for privacy, the tint is very thin that people can see into my window if my blind are open. Almost like I have a glass wall everyone can see right through.

Thank you,

Edited on: Thursday, January 24th, 2013 6:49 am

One Response to “Bay window”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 29th, 2012 11:58 pm

Hi I think that it is okay to have your window tinted again, but I’m not sure if it does count under repairs and maintenance. The landlord might charge you for it.


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