Bad property manager

By Anononymous

OK, first problem with our complex is poor management, poor lighting and poor grounds.  Our landlord/manager is NEVER on premise, and his super is a husband and wife.  The husband recentely got out of jail, but when I moved in the wife told us he was not here because he was working.  Apparently he did time for growing marijuana.  This is the man who will come to make neccessary repairs in our apartment, and we’re VERY uncomfortable having him around us and in our apartment.  Is it legal to have someone with a criminal record as a super?  Should I make a property manger complaint with the RPA?  Not only is this guy a bad property manager, he’s a crook!

Also, the super’s son and friends are constantly working on thier cars in the parking lot.  The leave the cars up on jacks overnight (extremely dangerous) and oil all over the parking lot.  How do we get this to stop. We sent in a complaint with the landlord and even have pictures of all this, so what do we do now?

Edited on: Monday, February 20th, 2012 5:39 pm

One Response to “Bad property manager”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Agent Paxton

May 15th, 2008 11:42 am

The simple answer is to file a complaint through the Rental Protection Agency. This will most likely get the landlord to fix some of these problems. By RPA standards in order for a rental property to be approved management cannot allow convicted felons or sex offenders to have access to rental units. So I’m guessing the property you are renting from is not an RPA Approved property… (By pulling your Landlord History Report you will be able to see whether the property you are renting from is approved) If you are renting from an approved property and they are allowing a convicted felon access to your rental unit, they would be in violation. However, even if you landlord isn’t approved you can still file a complaint and the Investigating Agent assigned to work the case will most likely be able to help your landlord improve the situation. As they say… Hind sight is 20/20, but in the future you should also check before you rent. (referring to your landlord’s approval status) You should never puposely rent from a landlord that hasn’t properly registered with the Rental Protection Agency.


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