At wit’s end
By lisa
We have a VERY rude, annoying neighbor. It began the 3rd night she lived above us. Had some guy over putting her bed together, using a sea, at 1 am. I waited for over an hour to ask her nicely to please quit, hubby had to be up for work in 4 hrs. She screamed, was very rude to the point of slamming the door in my face. I let it go. Now, she just continues, people over all the time, loud laughing talking, kids visiting drum on the floor, walls, run nonstop, all day and night. Plus, the very loud sex day & night. She has told landlord she’s working, I am a full time mom & she is at home as much as I am. She just snaps and screams and yells at people on the phone, outside of the building to her friends about other people. The language is horrible, loud. I’ve called the police only 4 times in almost year she’s lived her. Her lease is suppose to up in a couple of weeks. Just don’t how much more I can take all the noise listed, along with stomping (not walking) up & down stairs, all over the apt., slamming ( not closing roughly) doors. The constant talking and giggle all hours. It’s after 1am now, she just had a VERY loud sex session and showering & giggling. The police keep telling various this, landlords actually sold our place the last few months & just manage it now. They have talked to her various times, say they can’t do anything more. So, even if she does get asked to leave, I’m not sure how to deal with another like this. Thanks for letting me rant. Is there anything I can do?
Edited on: Thursday, September 19th, 2013 2:45 am
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