Apartment rented w/o hot shower or working phone lines, so NO internet

By robin

So I just rented an apartment through a property management facility. I didn’t really want to but 1 bedrooms where I live in Nevada are high in demand and it is close to work. From day 1 I have had no working phone lines, of course, I didn’t know that until I got ready to set up my internet and it wouldn’t work. WHen I left a message for the property management, which I will refer to as JF, I asked him to CALL me because I didn’t have access to internet. The JF sent me an email and his response is in quotes.

"Thanks for letting us know promptly about the leak. Please use a bucket or towel to try and prevent damage. Also please dont use the dishwasher until this can be resolved. I will let russ know on tuesday about the leak. I will bring up the phone line problem as well. I know that we need to provide 1 working phone jack. I will have more info on tuesday. Thanks, Braden."

Now this was on Saturday. Why is the business open on Saturday if they can’t help me? Why do I have to wait till Tuesday to have anything done about it? I ended up calling the phone company and they sent a guy out to tell me the phone jacks are in working order thy just aren’t conected to the main box!

Not to mention upon first moving in, on a Sunday, I found out the clothes washer leaked and the shower control temperature facet was completely broken. Now my dishwasher leaks and I have NO working phone jacks. This apartment was NOT ready to rent and I am quite mad that I am at the four day work week whims of the JF I have to talk to. Luckily he doesn’t work Mondays so I can call and talk to the receptionist and ask her to please give me contact info to get the phone lines working!

I hope I can find a better apartment next time w/o a property management facility to get involved. I know it could be worse, because most units don’t have a clothes or dish washers, but this was promised to me by the JF company. It should already be in working order.

Edited on: Wednesday, November 13th, 2013 1:12 am

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