Apartment Neighbors History
By over it in tn
My husband and I moved in this apartment complex 8 months ago. My aunt lives across the hall from us. Our lease states that no one is allowed on the premises that has anything other than a speeding ticket, no smoking, and a clause about destruction of property. My aunt was here before the landlord took over the building. She has violated every clause in the lease. We have had to put weather stripping along our front door to keep the cigarrette smoke out. She has family at her apartment that have rap sheets longer than 2 pages. This has created hostility in my family since I will not invite them into my apartment due to the lease agreement. Since that has happened, my truck has been broken into and someone tried to enter into the back door after my husband went to work. Our landlord will not do anything about this. He states he can not because my aunt has not signed a new lease and therefore we have to deal with it. If I was to have anyone in my apartment with anything other than a speeding ticket, my husband and I would be evicted. What can I do? The stress is too much to handle. The landlord will not do anything and he knows that my aunt smokes in the building and in the hallway which is in violation of TN state law. Help!!
Edited on: Sunday, January 8th, 2012 12:53 pm
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