Apartment Fee for Moving

By Nayeon Kim

hi, i’m living in chicago and trying to move out this week.

we have moving in, ,moving out fee which is $300

the office told me that if i  separate the moving out time with my subleaser on same day, i can just pay 150,

so, i made reservation time on saterday (9-12), and i was going to use 1hour and my subleaser going to use 2hours after me.

and. yesterday, i moved out part of my stuffs because  my friend who has a car would like to help me move out before my moving day, so i checked out the cart from apartment and  i moved out four traveling bags and  few small boxes  (it was less than 6 boxes so i can put all in the cart )

but my landlord called me and told that office send her  a email to her that i moved out. so i should pay $300.and i also must pay another $300 if i have additional stuff to move out. are they kidding?!!!!!!!!!!!!  it’s not understandable. really,,

first, i didn’t even move out many things, and i still have a lot of things to move out.  yesterday, in the morning i moved out my traveling bags which has wheels on the bottom and took a cap to go to new place. and afternoon, when my friend came,  i only carry things that i could put in the SUV (no furniture, only boxes).  i didn’t even carry out my office chair. i thought that it would be not consider as moving out, because i used cart to carry out boxes and didn’t even put down boxes on the floor.

can it be consider as moving out? it is, they should charge me $300 whenever i go to ikea. and whenever i go to travel. and even whenever i got a delievery from my grocery store.

can somebody help me? should i must pay additional $300 for moving out?

Edited on: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 8:55 pm

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