Advice on repairs & problems
By Bobby
I’m having some issues that are not being responded to and I’m wondering if I should find another place we pay really good money for this place and liked it’s location but I dont feel we are getting what we are paying for any thought’s are appreciated:
Dishwasher and dryer has been attempted to fix but still dont work properly we have kids so we use these items frequently. (repair attempt made no response to 2nd or 3rd request)
Fridge died $400. of food spoiled. Fridge was repaired but no response to me having to repurchase groceries. (fixed) Should have purchased renters insurance but didnt.
Water bill is way high. Water company has said it is unusually high usage based on review of previous bills (no response to request to fix)
Lawn care was included but is hardly ever done (1 time per month or every other month just doesnt look good)
Pool was part of the reason we rented the home but has a leak and is only 1/2 full and wont hold water. (I stopped filling it up due to the water bill which is still high)
Bug issues. I continually treat. Landlord has treated once which helped. But still has issues.
AC fan makes huge rattling noise Landlord isnt going to fix until it breaks
Prior tennant didnt take care of the place. We cleaned and painted when we moved in, documented wear and tear and are good tennants and have communicated these issues. These are some of the issues. I fixed most of the light bulbs cut back bush’s and various other small items and always have taken an attitude of returning someone’s property in better shape than when it was entrusted to me.
I am wondering if we should move consisering we are paying alot and not getting what we expected or are we stuck till the end of the 12 month lease?
Thanks for your thoughts/feedback.
Edited on: Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 11:31 pm
2 Responses to “Advice on repairs & problems”
Bobby January 13th, 2011 6:56 am |
sorry for the duplicate post |
Jessica July 12th, 2011 10:35 am |
Hi Bobby, Look for the Landlord Obligations in article 2. 33-1324. Landlord to maintain fit premises. In the state of Florida we can legally withhold rent with notice to the landlord if they fail to maintain premises, etc. Read through that landlord-tenant act to see what your rights are. Hope this helps! |
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