A hole in my yard.


I have been living in my home for 3 years now. Before moving in i notice a large hole in the yard and brought it to the attention to the person showing us the home. She said it will be filled no worries. and they did just with gravel. now 3 years later my eldery mother was out in the yard,weeding.  she stepped in that hole and fell. we have asked the owner to fix the hole only to be told that we are responsible for our yard maintence. we were also told that since we have a dog he probably dug the hole. which he didn’t we lived here 3 years and he has never dug a hole. that hole is the only hole in the entire yard. so now they are refusing to fix the hole. any advice on what i should do?

Edited on: Sunday, November 25th, 2012 5:19 am

One Response to “A hole in my yard.”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 26th, 2012 9:54 am

As I see when you people moved in to this house the hole was already there in the yard, so if you are quiet sure that it’s not done by the dog then fine or else it would come as your fault. Now you can talk with your home owner and asked him to fill up the hole as it was only done with gravel and which gets removed quickly if not fixed out properly.
I am not a lawyer or legal person.. so nothing strong or review you can take from here, But I can provide you my good advice. Also as it is 3 years long time.. so I think some of the maintenance should have been required, so you can talk with the landlord and if they are not filling up the hole for your yard, you can report the landlord or file a complaint. Here mostly only a mutual understanding is required between you and owner, and it will get resolved. However if landlord is not responding correctly or not showing any sign that he will fill up the hole.. I can say you can try this site’s report filing page.. It is good and has options to file a complaint and they take care of rest of the issue.. Hope your problem would also gets solved by them.. Because filing a complaint with police or any lawyer will take up a huge amount and time, also this seems a less problem… however to an extent not because your mother fallen down on stepping to this hole. so this is bad for your family.

https://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/complaint_center_form.php Please check this link could be helpful for you


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