false report

By osvaldo

l live in congregate housing for hiv patiente rent is only 30% of income so the problem is that my next door neighbor complaint about a computer speaker that i got on my laptop  he said that is too loud i went inside and didnt hear any music he touch the wall and the vibration is what he call the loud music the staff here said that some people have better hearing than other i dont agree with that i got a letter sing by other tenant asking the administration to  move him out because he is mentally unstable  they said that they cant not move him out my question is can i take him to court for haris the rasment for false accusing me of the loud music he is also a crack user now i got a meter to mesure the sound so i need to know what is the messument of sound for a radio speaker and what can i do

Edited on: Saturday, September 21st, 2013 11:09 pm

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