By Kim

I have a roommate who is on the lease with my girlfriend and I.  She has been there for over a year and a half.  Since August she has not held up on her end of our lease that she would pay for the internet and cable bills and we pay all other utilities.  This month, February, she has not paid rent.  When I went to our leasing office about it, they told me because we are all on lease, I am responsible to pay for it, or we all get evicted.  So, I paid it.  Now, the leasing office will not evict her or anything.  We have been having issues since August.  She also tried to beat up my girlfriend.  What can I do now to get her out legally and sue for my money.  We are only renters and the landlord won’t do anything.

Edited on: Thursday, February 21st, 2013 10:09 pm


My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Mary Rose

February 22nd, 2013 6:38 pm

You are all in the lease so if one of you does not pay up, all of you will be held responsible for the bill. You can file a complaint against your landlord to get him to act on the issue and help you out. You can also sue your roommate. When will your current lease expire? The reason I asked is that another option for you would be to renew the lease without her.


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