Hot Water Included but not provided


I live in a very old house that you can tell was split up and additions were put on to make it an 8 apartment building now. I live in the only 2 bedroom and every other apartment in the 3 story house is a studio or 1 bedroom. The landlord pays for heat and hot water which is fabulous but I feel like im being taken advantage of! I have flexible work hours and leave the house anywhere between 730-9am Monday through Friday. Therefore I shower at a different time every day but I’d say on average I get warm water once a week and hot water only on the weekends if I’m lucky. The rest of the week im talking an ice bath that will ruin anyone’s morning! I don’t know if everyone in the house works in the morning so depending on when I shower I’m either first or last in the house but regardless I don’t feel my personal rental properties amenities should have to take other rentals into account!  If i had house guests and didn’t have enough water that would be one thing but this doesn’t seem fair! I also have access to the basement which may have been built in the 1800s so a lot of what is down there I’m not sure of what it is but I only see one piece that looks like a water heater I’ve seen before down there. That can not be enough for 8 apartments! There are other massive metal containers but I can’t tell if those hold hot water or gas! Regardless im one angry person at 7am lately and I want hot water is there any hope?

Edited on: Thursday, October 25th, 2012 7:55 am

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