Noisy Business Next Door

By caprice esser

I just moved in 3 weeks ago and have issues with the Record Store across the street.  They play extremely loud music about 8 hours a day from a speaker that is on the sidewalk and facing my apartment. I work nights so the noise is disturbing my sleep.  And the days that I work from home it disturbs my concentration. 

I have called and made noise complaints everyday and still the noise persists. I spoke directly with the police officers and they tell me that there is nothing that they can do.  I have been told that this is how it is in this neighborhood. I spoke with the owner and he told me to move cause nothing is going to change.  the community board refuses to help me until I get a DEP reading of the noise levels in the apartment.  I know that the business in breaking the noise laws in NYC but no one will help get justice and peace.
What are my options?
Who can I contact in order to control the amount of noise that is coming from a noisy business if the police refuse to help?
Are there tenant lawyers that can help?
someone help me! I am desperate.  

Edited on: Friday, June 1st, 2012 11:28 pm

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