do i have a claim

By breanna madrid

on july 9th my house and landlords house burnt down i didnt have renters insurance but the landlord did they said i cant make a claim unless he was found responsible in some way for starting fire he was in jail when it happened but after fire and talking to fire department even on the news they said that because of all the trash and junk because my landlord they said is a horder which he is that they couldnt get to my appartment so they just let it burn down i have two kids im 27 we lost everything in the apartment now im homeless with nothing my 8yr old son recentely got hit by truck ans is in wheel chair do i have a claim he is a horder i have proof itsa not fair please help my family please it is his fault our stuff was all burned please i dont have a phone but my email is thank you my name is breanna madrid

Edited on: Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 3:02 am

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