Problem with former apartment
For starters, I have been dealing with this problem for over a year. I moved out of my old apartment last year and gave my notice to the office manager as the lease agreement stated. I asked her if that was all I need to do and she said yes so I left the office. The next month, I moved out and was calling to find out when I could leave my keys off when I was told by the new manager (they change managers all the time) that they did not receive such notice. Since I had no actual proof( a signed copy of her receiving the notice) the new manager did not belived me-and was rather rude. So it became a "she said/ she said" situation. I tried to reach the corporate office and was left to phone tagging a district manager who ended up telling me that the old manger was working at an other apartment complex and that she told her that she never received a notice from me.
15 days after, unbeknownst to me, the former apartment complex sent my personal information (like my work number) to a credit agency for the bill they billed me. Every month, I am harrassed by this company at work for the payment on this bill. I have asked several times to give me their phone number so I can call at my own time but they rudely do not give me this number.
Back to the main problem, I ended up complaining to the BBB about this issue but they did not get any feedback from the complex. I then mailed a letter to the president of the company that owns the apartment complex pleading to them that I do not deserve such treatment and I will not pay this bill. The district manager called me (we finally talked) and I told her that I needed proof that the office manager did not remember ever receiving my letter. That was around the beginning of this year and I have yet to hear from her.
Just yesterday, I got my monthly call from the creditors at work and had to deal with a very, very, rude lady. I finally got the phone number to call her. Now I don’t know what to do. I do not think that I should settle this payment in anyway but I don’t know how to deal with this. Can I get some professional to help me with this situation? I don’t know how to get this cleared from my rental and credit history forever. I am afraid that if I do this myself, I will end up screwing me over. I want to be aggressive but I don’t know how to do this effectively. Please help?
Edited on: Friday, September 16th, 2011 9:56 pm
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