Reasonable time for inspection?

By Neb

Just wondering if anyone can help me out here with a question. I know that a landlord has to grant a 24 hour written notice to do an in home inspection in this state but how long is that notice good for? Over 2 weeks ago a man came to inspect with no notice at all, I told him no as there had been no notice at all and I live with an elderly woman who has to be told in advance that someone is coming or things are very difficult to work out. That night the landlord sent an e-mail saying that I should conciser my conversation with that man my 24 hours notice and that he would be sent to return the next day. The next day I waited at home all day to be there for this man, I canceled all appointments, but he never came. An e-mail was sent to the landlord that the man never came, but I never got a response from them about it. 

Yesterday the man arrived saying he was here to do the inspection, once more I had to tell him no because there wasn’t new notice and I have to be able to prepare my grandmother for a stranger in the house, I asked him to please return today and I would conceder my talk with him to be a new 24 hour notice even though it was not written. He told me that he did not have to give a new notice, that the one give over two weeks ago was an ‘open’ notice and it meant he could return at any point. Is this true? My understanding of the law was to give the notice and appear in a reasonable amount of time. Two weeks doesn’t seem at all reasonable to me….

Edited on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 11:13 am

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