Need to protect my belongings in GA. Help!

By mariettatenant

I’m in Marietta, GA. I’ve been unemployed for some time and am now 2 months behind on my rent. I remember reading something about a service that provides temporary storage for low income evicted tenants. Does anyone have any information about this? Thanks in advance.

Edited on: Monday, September 13th, 2010 8:45 am

One Response to “Need to protect my belongings in GA. Help!”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 14th, 2010 3:30 am

Those types of programs are almost always handled by local church’s. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints… we are always willing to reach out and help people in need. I’m sure if you call a Bishop from a nearby LDS Ward; they will find some members that can help you with this. I did a search for you and found the following LDS Churches near Marietta GA. (don’t worry, they will help you regardless of your own faith) I hope that helps you.
Follow the link:,+GA+lds+church&fb=1&gl=us&view=text&ei=rFuPTK3yIYK6sAOqksGyDg&ved=0CCQQtwMwAA&split=1&rq=2&ev=zi&sll=34.01055,-84.265137&sspn=0.788881,1.454315&hq=lds+church&hnear=Marietta,+Cobb,+Georgia&ll=33.966712,-84.527435&spn=0.380411,0.727158&t=h&z=11

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