I have lived in my apartment unit for 8 years. I feel that i need my carpet replaced, as well as my walls painted. I am disabled in a wheelchair, so there are some tire tracks & marks that wont come out of the carpet, although I have paid 2 have it cleaned several times. […]
we have complained about dead animal smell in the walls of my boys bedroom for several months. finally leasing company sent exterminators who found infestation in the attic, holes in the siding where birds and mice are, urine feces ect. the company also sent out someone to measure siding. Traps with poison were set inside […]
I live in the first-floor apartment of a two-family house in a city in CT with my boyfriend. The lease is solely in my name. The owner lives on-site in the upstairs apartment. When I signed the lease, I had just started a new job in the city. Prior to my signing of the lease, […]
Date: Saturday, November 8th, 2014 3:59 pm Category: Legal Problem |
I am disabled and under a low budget , most of my check goes to the rent and bills….And we have new management that are careless and without compassion for anybody. My questions are "Can the landlord do this" * Charging me $50.00 late fee if the past landlords approved us to pay the rent […]
I lived at my apartment for about 8 months now and now I have bed bugs and they are saying I’m responsible because I brought them in. We’ll I didn’t but this is what the lady at the office said. When I moved here I had practically no furniture and I did not have this […]
Date: Saturday, September 27th, 2014 11:24 pm Category: Legal Problem |
I have asked my neighbors politely to stop running and jumping around they knock Things off my walls have no respect I have told the landlord and no results I’m at My Witt’s end please help.
Hi i wonder if anyone can give me info on my problem. Me and my friend was renting a flat and gave 1 months notice to leaving. this flat was recently purchased by the landlady in question. Now we were renting this flat through a company called PMC which went bust and passed our flat […]
I’ve been renting for 3 years in a house from a spanish lady who works a lot. I just found out about a year ago the house is going through some law case and she’s losing the house. So I would always ask her Flora is her name should I be worried about moving? Why […]
My wife and I live in a 4-plex with no onsite manager. One tenant has grown dictative over other residents when it comes to using the yard, basement, and other communal areas. He has told each of the other three units differing ‘rules’ when it comes to having personal items in the yard, whether they […]
Hi, can I have help?