This is gonna sound crazy… Overview: I received a letter from the owner of the condo I am renting stating that he had not received my rent for the last two months from the Property Management company. He thinks the Property Manager is using he money for herself. He tells me not to pay next […]
Hello, I am interested in seeing a list of report complaints for each community. Where can I find this?
I have rented out a room in this house that belongs to this lady. She has rented out two other rooms so there are several tenants in this house. My biggest concern is that at night my landlady needs to have the latch on the door, even though she has an alarm system. I would […]
Date: Friday, June 20th, 2014 5:12 pm Category: Agreements, Apartment Complaint, Bizzare, Busted Tenant, Eviction, Frustrated Landlord, Frustrated Renter, General Topics, Landlord humor, Landlord Legal, Landlord Problems, Landlord Q & A, Landlord Stories, Landlord Tips, Legal Problem, Legal Questions, Rent Horror Stories, Renter Q & A, Tenant Excuses, Tenant Problems, Videos Post |
I am aware of the Philadelphia Lead Paint Regulation [named Lead Disclosure and Certification act] states that a Landlord can NOT evict a tenant, if they are not in compliance with the regulation [IE Providing the Tenant with children 6 and under, with a "Lead Safe" or "Lead Free" certificate. LANDLORD CAN NOT CHARGE RENT […]
I own a two family flat in Michigan. It is an upper and a lower. My upstairs tenant is complaining that every time they walk around at night, the downsatairs tenant begins to start slamming doors. The downstairs tenants have confronted my other tenant outside and complaining about them walking around at night. We are […]
I moved in my new apartment a few months ago with a year’s lease and a Section 8 Housing Voucher. After dealing with having food thrown at me from the third floor apartment on a regular basis, an explosion and fire at a neighboring apartment, countless police activity and a pitbull that is allowed to […]
I live in a residential property that is managed by a management group, so my landlord is essentially not just one person, it’s a company. I have experienced no heat since the beginning of October, flooded kitchen sinks, and my water being shut off 4 times in the past month and a half, amoung other […]
I live in a residential property that is managed by a management group, so my landlord is essentially not just one person, it’s a company. I have experienced no heat since the beginning of October, flooded kitchen sinks, and my water being shut off 4 times in the past month and a half, amoung other […]
Ok I am living at an apartment complex that has changed property managers like 3 times. I am a single mother who pays her bills on time everytime. I reviously paid the previous property manager all my bills. She walked off the job recently and has yet to return. The new manager has informed me that […]
Hi, I just came across a Notice of Tenant Filed Conplaint. The case number is 9827. I wish to respond back, please re-open this case. Regards,