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Tom MD co-signer
Date: Friday, June 20th, 2014 5:12 pm
Category: Agreements, Apartment Complaint, Bizzare, Busted Tenant, Eviction, Frustrated Landlord, Frustrated Renter, General Topics, Landlord humor, Landlord Legal, Landlord Problems, Landlord Q & A, Landlord Stories, Landlord Tips, Legal Problem, Legal Questions, Rent Horror Stories, Renter Q & A, Tenant Excuses, Tenant Problems, Videos Post

I am aware of the Philadelphia Lead Paint Regulation  [named Lead Disclosure and Certification act] states that a Landlord can NOT evict a tenant, if they are not in compliance with the regulation [IE Providing the Tenant with children 6 and under, with a "Lead Safe" or "Lead Free" certificate.  LANDLORD CAN NOT CHARGE RENT […]

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overlaying old flooring on deck and in kitchen.

Eric Anderson
Date: Thursday, August 29th, 2013 10:34 pm
Category: Landlord Tips

 My wife, kid and I recently moved into our new appartment and first few days were perfect, but also very cool days. The heat and sun came out and started to warm the deck and bring up a very horrific smell of animal urine. The Smell would consume our apparment in the mornings and afternoons […]

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Qualities of a good tenant?

Date: Thursday, May 10th, 2012 3:25 pm
Category: Landlord Tips

1st time landlord here.  what are the qualities i should be looking for?  please share!  gracias!

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Can I ligally live in the basement?

Date: Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 1:20 pm
Category: Landlord Legal, Landlord Q & A, Landlord Tips, Legal Problem

Hi:  I am single and currently live in a 2 bedroom apt on 1st floor which has 2 large bedrooms, a large kitchen, a large dining room, a large living room, and decent office space, in addition to a large basement. Two seperate entances lead to the basement which is partially done and which can […]

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Loud construction noise

Date: Friday, September 2nd, 2011 10:53 am
Category: Landlord Tips, Tenant Problems

Brittany:I have been living in the same apartment for 1 and a half years. The building across from me burnt down and there was very loud construction for about 3 months. It was so loud that I couldn’t do my homework or study I had to leave and do it somewhere else; i would get […]

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options when tenant causes signficant damage to property (over and above amount of security(

Date: Saturday, June 11th, 2011 5:06 pm
Category: Landlord Legal, Landlord Tips, Legal Problem, Tenant Problems

I’ve recently had a troublesome tenant give verbal notice of intent to vacate the property, but has not completed the formal written notice.  They are on a well detailed contract through Feb12, obligating them without option of negation through vacating. They recently (since such exchange) have caused tens of thousands of dollars of water damage […]

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Tips on Screening Tenants!

Date: Friday, March 21st, 2008 9:43 am
Category: General Topics, Landlord Tips

I thought I would post some tips on how to screen tenants.  Over the years I have found many landlords that skip some very important steps when screening tenants, so I’m posting some tips that have helped me.  TIP ONE: Without fail it seems that every-time I have a vacancy I will always find someone […]

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Date: Thursday, February 21st, 2008 10:40 am
Category: Agreements, Bizzare, Busted Tenant, Eviction, Frustrated Landlord, Funny, General Topics, Horror, Just Plain Funny, Landlord humor, Landlord Legal, Landlord Q & A, Landlord Stories, Landlord Tips, Legal Problem, Tenant Excuses, Tenant Problems

It’s easy to create your own post.  Simply click on the “Create New Post” button and write.  Select any categories you feel your post fits in.

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