What can i do ??
By Yazmin
my boyfriend was living at this apartment with a roomate , when me and my boyfriend decided to move in together the rooomate asked us if we wanted to stay with the apt , which we did , so we gave him the deposit money and he moved out , .. the problem is that when we asked the landlord to give us a lease under our name , he said no because he needed a paper signed by the former roomate saying we paid him the deposit , the thing is me and my boyfriend lost all contact with this guy , but we are still at the apt and paying rent , now i need to register my 5 yr old to kindergarden and the landlord wont give us a lease or wont sign a paper that the school needs as a proof of residency .. is there anything i can do ??? please help me .
Edited on: Friday, November 2nd, 2012 1:10 pm
One Response to “What can i do ??”
Dory May 16th, 2011 9:21 am |
Should have consulted the landlord for sub tenancy :(. Anyway, I think what you can do is really get a hold of the old rommie or yours. Or you can try another conversation with the landlord and just be straight forward about how you deal with this that might get you somewhere. |
What can I do?
We recently moved out of our apartment and the landlord is stating that we broke our lease and is demanding a full months rent. Back story: the current landlord J.S. & P.T. bought the property in January 2012. We had been complaining to the previous landlord B.B. about the broken vent fan in the bathroom and leaking windows. Due to this the apartment got an outbreak of black mold, despite attempts at keeping the areas clean with bleach solution weekly. When J.S. & P.T. did a walk through when they were initially interested in the place we told them of the issues and showed them the issues. Even had a home inspector come through and he made note of the problems. Once the sale was final they had a contractor come through and "fix" things, including a toliet that did not need fixed. He ended up breaking the toliet and now it does not flush. Through B.B. we had a six month lease which was up December 2010, where we became "holdover" tenants. My mom was diagnoised with renal failure and her doctors told us we needed to move due to the poor living conditions, because they were a threat to my mom’s health. We asked the new landlords to please replace the moldy drywall and carpet, they said no it was caused by our cats. We asked them to fix the now broken toliet, they said no it was our fault. Due to their failure to fix these problems and my moms health failing, we found a new place and gave a two weeks notice to the landlord. They are now stating that we broke lease, which we did not have one, and demand a full months rent, plus the money to fix the problems. They are threatening to sue, what do I do? I have pictures and the written notice from my mothers doctors as well as the emails asking for the landlord to fix the problems. Do I have to fix these issues, am I at fault? I just am lost and don’t know what to do.
Edited on: Thursday, August 9th, 2012 1:02 am
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What can I do?
By NoSleep954
For the past couple months I’ve been dealing with construction and renovations in my apartment complex which as been EXCESSIVELY loud: but as of late they have been doing such things waaaaay early in the morning. As someone who tends to HAVE to sleep in from time to time, this happens to be one of those nights where I had only been asleep for a mere 2 hours before being awoken by construction done right above my apartment. And when asking the workers why must they do so that early in the morning, explaining that I work late, my only answer given was ‘hey we gotta work too’. As someone who has dealt with this numerous times in the mast few months, am I entitled to any kind of compensation or at least an apology? It’s bad enough my rent goes up every month due to unforeseen reasons every time (suddenly had a $146+ water bill one time, despite not having any different habits in water consumption… also found out that since power is done though the leasing company, and not directly through the power company, numerous additional charges were added) and because of this I’m struggling to remember why the hell I moved into this godforsaken place at all.
Edited on: Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 2:51 pm
One Response to “What can I do?”
Jessyca January 5th, 2011 10:30 am |
From my personal experience, it seems that a general rule that follows me no matter what state I’ve lived in, is that they cannot break LEASE terms if you have a written lease that was signed by both parties. In other words, he cannot raise rent monthly, he can only raise once lease is up and it’s time to sign another contract. Here are 3 websites that state Florida Landlord/Tenant Law. Hope this helps. http://www.hud.gov/local/fl/renting/tenantrights.cfm |
what can I do?
By Linda
I live in a large aoartment building. My next door neighbor has two children age 2 and 6. They are allowed to run the hallways while screaming, it’s happened many time. Last night was 11:30 pm, they have been as late as 12:30 am! I have said to the kids you shouldn’t run in the halls, then they would go inside, but it continues, what can I do?
I have lived here going on 15 years and this has never happened, there are lots of elderly people in my building as well.
I think the mother is inconsiderate and careless.
Edited on: Saturday, January 22nd, 2011 5:34 am
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