wanting to break lease due to changed conditions

By bmac

hi there. i have lived in the same apartment for 3 years, on a busy street.
the back part of the apartment has always been a quiet place to go away from the noise.
a few months ago a new business opened up next door on property owned by my landlord.
its an auto glass repair shop. their dumpster is located just underneath our bedroom window and they throw windshields into it around 7:30 am or so and it is absolutely horrible to wake up to.
we wrote them a letter, talked to their manager, complained to the landlord and nothing has been done.
its been about 3 months and has affected us tremendously, causing sleep disturbances and constant aggravation.
i already suffer from insomnia so this has taken a toll on me.
we wrote a letter to the landlord 2 weeks ago stating we wanted to break out lease in june and find a more suitable living situation.
we work nights so this early morning noise is a tough situation.
we suggested moving to our friends place who has the same landlord.
we didnt get any response from the letter and actually had to call them ourselves after a week.
they didnt address the letter and only said that apartment’s rent would mostly go up if we took it.
they have not been helpful or responsive and its going on several weeks of this.
our lease ends oct 1st but it is unbearable living with this noise.
is this a suitable reason to break lease?
i am worried i will not get my last month’s rent if i break it early.
any help is appreciated.

Edited on: Friday, April 20th, 2012 12:12 pm

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