UTILITIES after walk thru

By katie

I have a lease until the end of JULY.  We moved out July 1 and gave almost 60 days notice.  Paid Julys rent and the owner transferred utilities to her name.  I told her(via text) that we have anticipated a new renter and had a turn off date for JULY 5.  She July 3rd transferred it to her name.  JUly 5th we do a walk thru and get a clean bill of health!  We call her later reminding her of the refundable pet deposit and she decides that she doesn’t think it is fair to pay utilities this month. She never mentioned that we should do the lawn or utilities prior to walk thru.  I would never handed over the keys.  She switched it without discussion.  Also she demands it after we handed in the keys.  What are my options here? 

Edited on: Saturday, July 6th, 2013 5:02 pm

One Response to “UTILITIES after walk thru”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 10th, 2013 1:16 am

Was it written on your lease that you have to do those things before you move out? If it was not then your landlord cannot demand and insist that you do the lawn and pay utilities for the month. IF your landlord will not return your security deposit then you can file a complaint against them through small claims court or through the RPA. Filing a complaint would be the best you can do to get your security deposit back. Good luck!


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