Utah State Laws Regarding Security Deposits

By ebizz05

What exactly is required by the landlord to send a renter their security deposit back in the state of Utah?

Background info:

-Rented a shared townhome from my landlord in Utah, August 2010 to February 2012. After the first year lease ended, I was month-to-month

-In Feb 2012, he was desperate to find renters for empty rooms, since I was the only one there in a 4 room home. He finally found another person with a 2 yr old child to become a tenant there, and I voiced that I would not be ok with this, twice. The tenant was a complete creep, noisily coming home at 3-4am on weeknights, etc. The tenant was hoping I’d watch his kid. I was NOT going to deal with this
-Landlord rented the room out to this individual anyway, so then I said peace out, and let him know I’d be out by the end of the month (February). That month was already paid for in advance, so I had no further financial obligation to him. Utilities were my personal responsibility.

-He resides in San Fransico, CA, and the property is in Salt Lake County, Utah.

-I vacuumed, spot painted, did anything to get my empty space ready for another tenant. Left everything how it was when I moved in. He personally promised to return my deposit the 1st week of March. Two weeks went by. Nothing. The contract I signed specifically stated it would be returned within 21 days of move out. Finally received an email on the 20th of March asking where I’d like him to send my deposit, so I gave him an address that same day. It is now April 2nd–which is passed the 30 day mark of my move-out (Feb 28).

What can I do to get this back?? I’ve asked a few times, and still haven’t received it. We used erentpayment.com which still has my CCs stored on it. Maybe I can request he deposit it back into one of my accounts instead of waiting for a check? Help!

Edited on: Saturday, July 21st, 2012 12:31 pm

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