Unsafe Rental

By Tenant

We’ve been renting from our landlord for about a year now. We signed a 6 months lease and now we are a month to month tentant. The place is pratically a piece of crap with a spectular view of the city. we have been mowing the lawn for 100 off rent (verbally agreed) and now that its November the Landlord is asking us to pay the 100 that was usually taken out of our rent. There are 3 dead trees out back that we’ve taken down, we’ve been doing a lot of yard work without the need to mow. The landlord is demanding the 100 no matter what. We’ve had neighbors come to us and complain about the trees and all we could say is we’re just renters and they would have to talk to the landlord. I came to a point where I talked to the LL about the trees, he said he should get that taken care of. I had someone come over to see how much it would cost to remove all trees. it came to $1200. He still hasn’t taken care of the trees after about maybe 3 years. 

Also, the deck is made out of wood and it’s rotting out, paint is chipping off all over the house and the shingles on the roof is about to give in. We’ve tried talking to the LL saying we would take care of the trees and vice versa and continue to take 100 off rent, he refused.
This place is a duplex with a up and downstairs unit. The furance is placed in the master bedroom downstairs snuggled nicely in a closet. We just got that replaced last winter. I know that is ILLEGAL! Lucky for the LL he has connections and friends that abides the law. He’s a lawyer himself! Ironic!
What to do?  We’re currently looking for a different place to live, a place more suitable for the family, though I don’t want the next tentants to go through hell just because the Landlord won’t do a thing. I don’t want to take all this to court, etc.

Edited on: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 3:12 pm

One Response to “Unsafe Rental”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 11th, 2009 8:43 am

If the rental is unsafe I would contact the local health department. They can come out and inspect the property to determine if the property is really unfit. Although, be prepared because you may find out that the property is not really in danger of anything. It might just be cosmetic. For example the furnace in the closet is very common practice in trailers, but being in a bedroom is probably not code.
I’d start there!


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