Ugh landlord
By kickin14014
So i moved out of my old place over a month ago, I had tried to contact my landlord over and over requesting my secuirty deposit. In wisconsin I believe they have 21 days to get you the deposit or an itemized receipt. Anyways, this is what i recieved from him (see below).
Item 1. To be expected we moved out Mid March, but our lease was not up so we paid him rent until a new lease was signed for our place.
Item 2. Apparently our rent was late? Why was this not brought up until the end of the lease?
Item 3. It was verbally agreed upon that we would not be required to pay for the carpets when we moved in, because the prior tenant had left the carpets in poor condition.
Item 4. Early Termination fee? There is nothing in my lease about an early termination fee.
Item 5. We had been living at the place for two years without seeing a water bill. It is in our lease that we were required to pay 50% of the water bill. But to never recieve a water bill and then expect us to pay two years worth of water bills at once? Something doesnt seem right here.
So he is taking our $600 secuirty deposit and expecting us to pay $847 on top of it.
Can anyone help me out with this?
1. April rent (1 week) $198.33
2. Late Fees, July, August & October, 2012 ($25*3=) $75.00
3. Carpet cleaning (dog) $156.33
4. Early lease termination/remarketing fee $200.00
5. Water/sewer charges (50% of the bills)
2011 3rd QTR (2/3rds) $79.42
4th QTR $110.90
2012 1st QTR $153.39
2nd QTR $149.62
3rd QTR $111.87
4th QTR $110.90
2013 1st QTR $102.10
Total water/sewer charges $818.19
Total Amount Due $1,447.85
Less Security Deposit $600.00
Net Amount Due $847.85
Edited on: Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 3:59 pm
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