The terminate management by restate agent for my renting condo
By Dee Dee
I was contrcated with local real state angent to help to find the tenat to leasing out my Condo Apartment about two month ago.
They did find the approrated person to occupied my property that after they advertising my condo thru websitie,
the agreemnet with the realstate agent is: the kept the security to a escor account and 1st month rent plus 9% monthly
managment fees as commission. All these payment has been taking care of ( the have all the money)
The tenant move 5 days earlier then original contrat date, and I have no issues with they, accouring with real state agent
will have the new tenant to pay the 5 pro-rate rent about $300. and this should be pay to me ( landord).
However, starting The day the tenant move in ( April 26 till May 10th),first all, I have no legal contract of the condo lease
agreement or any pro-rate payment sent to or any of e-mail, phone contact with the real state agent or the new Tenant.
I starting quite concerned wiht all the move in issues, so trying to get in touch with the Real state agent, the rep. kind
laying back and not very respond or willing tell me or provide me anything, and told me, "we will sent you doc. when is
ready and you are expect received anything until month of June, except the pro-rate payment $300.
Since then, I am very upset with theirs respond, so demened the realstate agent to move this agent from my management
and asked them to change different service agent. Unfortunatly, No one, No one in this big real state of the manger lever
person to step out to helping solved is issues. And Yet, the my local real agent she termninated/close my files over
the e-mail and sent the e-mail to my new Tenant as, starting May 12, wr are no longer mangement this account, you cay pay your June’s rent direct to the Landlord (myself).
Okay, I sent the proper letter to the Real state Angent over the weekend and copy tow manager, requested an proper
termination letter in written at May 13, and call the rep. this Monday, she says, she closed my file and sent to their headquater office in VA, I should received something in a week.
My question is:
1. is this legal they terminated this contract as it.
2. I am the landord, am I entile to have hard copies of everything with the New Tenant and all the details payment?
3. So far, I hasn’t have a penny from this real state agent, is this correct?
4. Why they can’t change other better agnet to help out instead refused my request and closing my files as it.
This is nothing to do my tenant, is between myself and the contract real state agent. Please have good advise
and how can protect myself and not losing more money to the inrresponsible agency.
Dee Dee
Edited on: Saturday, May 18th, 2013 9:27 am
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