The apartment above mine was infested with bedbugs, Management initially denied it, once exterminators came in,they said the entire building was infected even though we have had no sign of them at all in our 3 bedroom. I find it hard to believe that we have them and me and my 2 roommates are unaffected nor do we see them. Anyway, we had to pack everhting in our bedrooms into plastic bags and move everything to center of room. Because we live in nyc our bedrooms are small and this makes for a completely unlivable situation. I chose to stay with a friend outside of the city until the issue was cleard. I have had to pay 400$ exatra a month in travel expenses as well as what im sure is about $200 in food expenses since I can not stay at my own place. It has been a month and I just found out that we are unable to unpack our things for ANOTHER month. I feel it is unfair that we have to pay our rent when we can not even stay in the apartment! Is there anything that we can do?
By meghan
The apartment above mine was recently badly infested with bedbugs. I spoke to the young woman who lives there and she showed me her bites and that management wasnt doing anything to take care of the problem. about 3 weeks later, my roommate tells me that they are coming in to do a building inspection, but because we all work, no one could be there for it. Because they did not say for what, and because my roommate did not ask, we assumed it was just a building code inspection. A week later mamnagement contacted my other roommate to tell her that our apartment also was infested with bedbugs and that they were having a team come in to handle the problem. Out of the 3 of us, none of us had any bites, we checked everywhere, and there were no signs of bugs. They insisted that we were badly infested and would have to come in to treat our apartment. This required us to bag everything we own and move everything to the center of our room. Because we live in nyc and our bedrooms are very small, this makes our rooms completely unlivable. They told us that they would have to come in for 2 sprays 2 weeks apart and that maybe they would have to come in for a 3rd. I chose not to be in the apartment during the length of treatment because it is pysically impossible to live there. I luckily have a bf who lives right outside manhattan and I have been staying with him. However, I have had to spend an additional $400+ a month on travel and food expenses. They came in for the 3rd spray the other day and I called them to find out how much longer we had to live like this and they told us 4 WEEKS! which would make this whole situation a total of 2 +months. I dont find it fair that I still have to pay my rent if I have not been able to even live in my apartment. Is there anything I CAN Do?! Please help!
Edited on: Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 11:18 am
No Responses to “The apartment above mine was infested with bedbugs, Management initially denied it, once exterminators came in,they said the entire building was infected even though we have had no sign of them at all in our 3 bedroom. I find it hard to believe that we have them and me and my 2 roommates are unaffected nor do we see them. Anyway, we had to pack everhting in our bedrooms into plastic bags and move everything to center of room. Because we live in nyc our bedrooms are small and this makes for a completely unlivable situation. I chose to stay with a friend outside of the city until the issue was cleard. I have had to pay 400$ exatra a month in travel expenses as well as what im sure is about $200 in food expenses since I can not stay at my own place. It has been a month and I just found out that we are unable to unpack our things for ANOTHER month. I feel it is unfair that we have to pay our rent when we can not even stay in the apartment! Is there anything that we can do?”
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