The AC unit is missing

By Overheated

We rented this townhouse in February, while it was still a little cool outside. We pay $625 a month for rent and $625 for the deposit. Our rent is paid on time. When it started to get hot in April, we noticed the AC did not get cool. We complained to the landlord and they said, "After we started looking around in the back of the building where the units belong, we realized several units had been stolen. We were told new units were being ordered. We bought a little window unit to keep the bedroom cool but we cannot cool all 1200 square feet with it and it is not our responibility to provide the cooling. We have questioned the manager several times since then and gotten the same response, "We’ll check in to it", so many times. What can we do? It is starting to get so very hot herein Oklahoma.

Edited on: Thursday, July 11th, 2013 9:42 am

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