tenant breaking lease and DIFFICULT landlord
By Frustrated Tenant
I have a lease agreement that expires in November 2012. I need to break lease and am planning on moving out by March 1. I verbally told the landlord of my plans, and he told me he would charge me a $2,600 realtor fee (equal to one month’s rent), and would list the unit to find a new renter. I just found out today that what he actually did was put his condo up for sale. I knew that by tenant breaking lease early I would be responsible for the monthly rent in the event that a new tenant wasn’t found by March 1, but I really don’t think it’s fair that I will be on the hook for potentially months upon months while the landlord sits back and waits for the best price he can get on his condo.
First question- nowhere in my lease does it mention this $2,600 relator fee. Can he charge that?
Second question- Am I still responsible for this montly rent even though he’s selling this unit, meanwhile making zero attempt to find a new rental tenant?
Edited on: Monday, February 13th, 2012 5:14 pm
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