stuff left in room, old uncleaned carpet


my previous landlord wanted to remodel, and asked all tenants to vacate. I moved into a shared living house (8 guys and a landlord who comes in and goes as he pleases) where the living room alone had 4 TVs, 3 couches, 5 chairs a box spring, 2 bedframes, a broken table and several other items ‘stored’ in it. The landlord had said he would clean my room before I moved in, but did not. There were several things left in the room, and I had to move all these things, (many went to goodwill) in order to move my things in, this took time and money. after questioning the landlord about this he stated he steam-cleaned the carpet, a blatant lie, as another tenant stated he did not. After waking me up for a third time asking about rent I haven’t paid, and my responding with questioning him about the carpet and its age (I have had respiratory issues since) he countered with a 3-days to pay or vacate notice. I have found another place much further from work but it will take time to move. Can someone advise me of my rights, or lend some advice? 

Edited on: Thursday, June 13th, 2013 9:33 pm

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