Slumlord Concern

By julie

I have issues with the plumbing at the house I rent. Every 3-4 months the toilet stops working. I call the landlord to alert him, and he usually takes 3-7 days to get a plumber to the house for a temporary fix, meanwhile I can’t use my toilet!! He doesn’t return my phone calls, emails, etc. and just blows me off. This morning I woke up to raw sewage spilling over a broken pipe the last plumbers broke, and he still won’t even acknowledge my distress even thought this is now a public health issue, way beyond a tenant plumbing issue. What are my rights as a tenant? Can I file a complaint without getting evicted? HOw do I get my landlord to hold up his responsibilities??

Edited on: Monday, January 21st, 2013 12:29 pm

One Response to “Slumlord Concern”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 29th, 2013 12:28 am

Hi Julie. To answer your question, yes, you can file a complaint without getting evicted but you have to do that through the appropriate agencies. I know RPA has a complaint section and they helped me resolve my issue with my landlord; so they might help you too. As a renter, you have the right to a safe and healthy environment and if your landlord is not giving you that then you have every right to complain. He can’t evict you just because you complained. If you have a lease, a landlord can only evict you for a few reasons, and that does not include you complaining. You can even bring the matter to the attention of your local health department but that would invite a lot of people to come in and get involved. I’m sure your landlord will not like that and there could be changes in relationship afterward so it’s best to have as few people involved as possible, don’t you agree?


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