Sick and tired of being sick..

By Jessica

My family and I rented a home in september. There was a few things wrong that needed fixing so my landlord was pretty good about getting the things fixed. Now here we are 6 months later and my hall bathroom facuet pours water and she dont want to fix it because she would have to take the wall in the dining room down and she said that was to much to get into.. I feel like I am paying rent and she is not holding up her end of the lease. Also I have been very sick since we moved in here I have asthma and allergies and in the last 6 months I have been to the doctor 30 times with some type of coughing issue. Well my husband decided to investigate and found black mold and white mold all under the house. My doctor told me to leave the house ASAP or I am going to end up in ICU because my airways are closing up. My husband called and told her this and she said she would get back to him, It has been 2 weeks and we have heard nothing. I have to get out of this house and dont have the money up front to rent another place. I think we should get our deposit back and some of our rent since she has not do anything to fix several issues in the home.  I dont know where to start and I dont know how to get my deposit back so we can move? Please any advice would be so helpful. My kids cant even stay home, they are stayin with a in law and I just dont know what to do..

Edited on: Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 10:37 am

2 Responses to “Sick and tired of being sick..”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 17th, 2011 10:38 am

Sorry your having such issue. File a complaint with RPA about it. An RPA agent will work on it and will contact your landlord.


May 31st, 2011 8:21 am

You should discuss that thing nicely, to resolve the problem. Tell him everything that concerns your rent, including your health concern while staying in the place. Be sure that things will work out well. If not, then you may file a complaint.


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