should I file a complaint or not?

By Leslie

Ok I just started renting a small house in Minn. and I’m having a few issues. When I first moved in I was told that the landlord would hook up my dryer right away, didn’t happen. I asked him to hook it up starting in June when I moved in and ever tme i gave him a rent check. In October I called him to tell him my refrigerater was not working he said he would get it taken care of as soon as possible. This was a Wed. and he didn’t get someone to my house until the following Monday. It only cost me $200 worth of food. I told him at that time that the shower head was leaking and spraying all over the place. It wasn’t until the week before Christmas that he offered to fix it. January 3 is here and in Minnesota it is very chilli. top temp. today was 16. I came home and my house was 48 degrees. I fiddled with the thermostate and checked to see if the heater was running, all sorts of things before I called him. He came over and did everything I did and said this is what happened the last time it went out. He went to get one of his partners and they came back with a space heater to warm the whole house and told me that would fix it in the morning. I believe they could call centerpoint engergy to come and fix it tonight. So I’m sitting here freezing, on top of it the heater keeps tripping the electrical circut because the electrical should be inspected because I don’t think it is to code.

Anyway, should I file a complaint or is it just a waste of time?


Edited on: Monday, January 3rd, 2011 9:05 pm

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