roommate stiffed me..landlord says ok.

By mynista

My roommate who did sign the lease moved his girlfriend in without even consulting anyone. Then within 3 weeks of her being here she was already causing problems because she was sneaking around in the middle of the night and eating us out of house and home and not owning the responsibility. Keep in mind she moved in with no job no car and did nothing all day. Except perhaps keep her ear to the wall and listened to everything that was said and then turned around and told my roommate that everyone was talking about him even though it had nothing to do with him. She finally got her way when they up and left with no notice at the end of the month. The rent is due and the landlord is saying that he is not responsible for his share of the rent. I don’t understand. Isn’t there a 30 day notice rule and mitigating damages to the rest of us roommates?

Edited on: Wednesday, August 31st, 2011 9:50 am

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