How To Get Rid Of Fleas, Landlord Won’t Help
By mj
OK, so my husband and I moved into this apartment on August 10, 2009. By September we realized there was a huge flea problem that sprang up overnight (WE HAD NO PETS!). I had over 120 flea bites in 2 days and I am seriously allergic. We went straight to the landlord and asked them what needed to happen and they told us we had to pay to have the exterminator come, even though obviously the fleas were there when we moved in! Instead of paying the ridiculous fee the contracted exterminator wanted my husband and I decided to do it on our own. We purchased many flea bombs, powders and sprays and I vacuumed usually 3 times a day, but never less than twice!
Edited on: Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 2:27 pm
2 Responses to “How To Get Rid Of Fleas, Landlord Won’t Help”
Scott September 30th, 2010 2:33 am |
BREAKING NEWS!! You don’t have fleas, you have BED BUGS! What you are referring to as “fleas” is actually not fleas at all. I’m 99.99999% certain you have a bed bug infestation in your apartment. Bed bugs have been on the rise in the rental industry by thousands of %’s. You’ve been a victim of this fairly new crisis effecting rentals. How to identify bed bugs? I could tell you what I know, but instead view this post talking about how to handle bed bugs: |
Scott September 30th, 2010 2:37 am |
By the way DON’T USE SPRAYS! The money you and your husband have been spending on sprays and bug bombs in only going to spread the infestation deeper into the apartment. Bed bugs are resistant to chemical sprays, so using them will only push them deeper into walls and hiding spots. Refer to the link provided in the post above. It should help you get through this problem. |
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