Where should I report an abusive property manager?

By Tenant

 A property manager is a representative of the landlord whose main function is to communicate with the tenants, collect rent, facilitate repairs and maintain the rental property. He or she directly reports to the landlord. In a way, a PM acts as a mediator between a tenant and a landlord. A PM also lives in the apartment complex so they’re easier to find should you need to have something done. The problem is, since the PM is an employee of the landlord and is the only person in the building who is closest to LL, then power tripping becomes a possibility.

There have been many reports of property managers power tripping. Some of them would include harassment – be it verbal, emotional or sexual. Other times, the PM might also scream threats and even trespass into apartments without written notification and in non-emergency cases. But of course, you can’t tell the LL because it will be your word against the PM’s so what do you do?

  • Write a letter to property manager.

This letter should not be rude. It is basically a notification that you know the PM has been into your apartment and that he is in violation of your rights as a tenant and an American. The PM should also be reminded that if this happens again, you will be forced to do the necessary legal actions. Mail the letter to have proof that the PM received it and also keep a copy of the letter too.

  • Tell the police.

If you are being harassed and if trespassing was done, you should tell the police and file a police report. I do not understand why there are some tenants that think issues such as these should only be reported to the landlord-tenant board. A harassment and a trespassing are obviously violations of your rights as an American and it is the police’s job to get involved.

  • File a complaint.

You can file a formal complaint against your property manager. A formal complaint creates a paper trail that will hold as a strong proof in court, should you decide to pursue the case. To file a complaint with the RPA, you can use this link: http://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/complaint_center.php

  • Tell the landlord.

You now have all the documents and proof of the abuses done to you by your property manager. It is time to go to your landlord and open his eyes to the issue. If you can have your neighbors support via a signature campaign, that would be helpful too. It is likely that your landlord will even thank you for reporting the incident to him – complete with all the details.

Just because he/she is an employee of the landlord doesn’t give him/her the right to abuse you and your neighbors. It is also not true that you are stuck in a corner when the PM attacks. Fight back. Know your rights.

Edited on: Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 12:21 am

10 Responses to “Where should I report an abusive property manager?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 19th, 2013 12:40 am

How about reporting it to Apartment Associations? Wouldn’t that help?


February 19th, 2013 7:00 am

I think Apartment Associations are policy creating bodies. I don?t think they?ll be able to help you out much.


February 19th, 2013 1:20 pm

Ok. Can you remember what you did when he decided to trespass or even shout threats at you?


February 19th, 2013 9:20 pm

Sometimes, tenants don’t need to do anything because they are not at fault here. Sometimes, it’s just the PM that’s the problem. Well, anyway, tell the police, tell your neighbors and tell the landlord. The more people will know about it the better?the stronger your case will be.


February 20th, 2013 3:40 am

Even if you are renting, you are not losing rights, you’re actually gaining a new set (your tenant rights). So if you are being harassed or threatened, tell the landlord. If he does not believe you, tell the police or file a complaint.


February 20th, 2013 10:00 am

When you go to the police, don’t forget to secure a copy of the police report too.


February 20th, 2013 4:20 pm

I have worked in the rental industry and I have seen this much too often. I must say, I am ashamed to be working in the same field as these grown up bullies. I feel sorry to everyone who has been bullied by these PMs.


February 20th, 2013 10:40 pm

The problem with reporting to the police or the landlord is that the tenant could face retaliation. I know the law says it is not right for a tenant to face retaliation after filing a complaint but the truth is, it happens a lot. It happened to me. So I went with the safer and more effective action – I filed a complaint with the RPA.


February 21st, 2013 5:00 am

For problem PMs like those, I’d always carry around a recorder. It will be difficult to counter a recorded proof.


February 21st, 2013 11:20 am

I think the landlord should be informed. I know disputes between the tenant and the PM will look bad for his business. So yes, go ahead and tell him so he can mediate between the two of you. If that does not work, let professional mediators do the work instead.


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