rented home that has been foreclosed on
By Alison Johnson
My family moved into a home, signed a lease with owners and 1 month later recived foreclosure papers on the front door addressed to the tenats. That was us! we had allready paid a security deposit and first months rent not to mention all the moving expences that went along with it. We contacted the owners right away to make sure the Bank that holds the property was still accepting the mortgage payments. The owners reassured us that yes the bank had still been accepting and recieving the mortgage payments and that we were fine to live on the property and carry out the lease. We kept in close contact with the owners ( our landlords) as we keept recieving foreclosure copies. We finally, were able to crack the owners and the truth came out. They rented to us and knew the house was in foreclosure before we signed the lease, we made an agreement with them over the phone since they had relocated out of state, that since they were pocketing our rent money we would try to save the rent money to see if we could possibly buy the property at foreclosure in a few short months. We worked with a lender and didnt make it in time with a qualification for a loan. An investor bought the property at the foreclosure sale and has contacted us and wants us to stay in the home while he makes some improvements then for us to buy the home from him! We think this is great! All the stress of the last couple months had been lifted! We really like the new owner and the chance for us to not have to move again is wonderful and we have four boys so no relocating schools and friends and putting them through that! Yay! Untill we recently got served papers from our past landlords.. U know the ones that rented the house to us knowing the property was allready in the foreclosure process, demanding the rent for the 3 months that we agreed we would see if we could buy the property. We had allready paid them 3,500.00 to which went right in thier pocket. All in all they just wanted to get what they could out of the place before they lost it to the foreclosure. The legal paperwork wasn’t even filled until after they lost the property in the foreclosure. The attorneys office that served it also wrote in that if we didn’t come up with the amount they are asking that they would reclaim possession of the property in just 3 days! How does this even happen! Would this stand up in court if it should go that far? they are also demanding late fees and all, even know we agreed that the rent should not have to be paid at the time now they are asking for 15,000.00? Help I need advise. And doesnt the Bank that owned the property before it went in foreclosure have a say in this? Arrrr I hate money hungry people.
Edited on: Thursday, June 27th, 2013 6:49 am
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