Rental scam

By Reina Rodriguez

Good Morning,   I have a complaint about a landlord that decided to keep my myself and families deposit. It all started when we saw an apartment for rent on craigslist on 16 Wakefield Street in Warwick, R.I.. We called and spoke to a woman named Linda she let us know that the apartment was still available and that we could see it anytime.. So we went to see the apartment on July 15th which was a Sunday. We liked the townhouse so we gave her a cash deposit instantly to hold it I asked her if she wanted the full amount that they requested on craigs list which was 1050.00 1st and last and she said that it wouldn’t be necessary until the week before we moved in. We decided that we wouldn’t be able to move into the place til the first of the following month which was August 1st. Because we had already paid our current landlord rent for the whole month of July. Linda told us that her husband Bob will be I touch with us to discuss details on lease , the balance of the money and what they would and would not fix. We said ok and left Phone calls: Bob called us the next day to let us know exactly that and how he needed the money before the date of the move in… Since Linda advised us that we didn’t need the money til the week before we moved in I went ahead and paid my car note..after all we had time. Bob called me numerous times which I have emails, text and messages to prove that fact. I didn’t return his call on one of those occasions and he left me a message threatening that he would not tolerate anyone playing with his time and that if I didn’t call him back in a certain time frame that he would be not only keeping the deposit but he could sue me for the balance… so I was instantly disgusted by the message. After tons and tons of messages I told him on July 19th that we will pass on the apartment . So after this phone call he advised me that he was an attorney and that he had the right again of  keeping the deposit because I wasted his and his wife’s time and that he had a lease  written up and that his time and money was wasted but he wasn’t going to charge me because I was a nice person. HE said that he would send me a agreement to sign and that it was just a formality and that it was to protect us and them and that he wouldn’t release any monies until it was signed… he emailed it to  me and I signed it and sent it back which backs all of what I said. It is now Sept 26th and he refuses to not only answer my calls, emails and haven’t received the refund,  Please help me.. We cannot afford to just give 600.00 away… we are a small family with limited funds and now we are stuck in a 2br apartment which included are 6 adults and 3 children.  Thanks You  Reina RodriguezCell: 6 adults and 3 children.  Thanks You  Reina RodriguezCell: 774-322-6803Home 508-567-6340


Edited on: Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 10:55 am

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Rental scam

By Reina Rodriguez

Good Morning,   I have a complaint about a landlord that decided to keep my myself and families deposit. It all started when we saw an apartment for rent on craigslist on 16 Wakefield Street in Warwick, R.I.. We called and spoke to a woman named Linda she let us know that the apartment was still available and that we could see it anytime.. So we went to see the apartment on July 15th which was a Sunday. We liked the townhouse so we gave her a cash deposit instantly to hold it I asked her if she wanted the full amount that they requested on craigs list which was 1050.00 1st and last and she said that it wouldn’t be necessary until the week before we moved in. We decided that we wouldn’t be able to move into the place til the first of the following month which was August 1st. Because we had already paid our current landlord rent for the whole month of July. Linda told us that her husband Bob will be I touch with us to discuss details on lease , the balance of the money and what they would and would not fix. We said ok and left Phone calls: Bob called us the next day to let us know exactly that and how he needed the money before the date of the move in… Since Linda advised us that we didn’t need the money til the week before we moved in I went ahead and paid my car note..after all we had time. Bob called me numerous times which I have emails, text and messages to prove that fact. I didn’t return his call on one of those occasions and he left me a message threatening that he would not tolerate anyone playing with his time and that if I didn’t call him back in a certain time frame that he would be not only keeping the deposit but he could sue me for the balance… so I was instantly disgusted by the message. After tons and tons of messages I told him on July 19th that we will pass on the apartment . So after this phone call he advised me that he was an attorney and that he had the right again of  keeping the deposit because I wasted his and his wife’s time and that he had a lease  written up and that his time and money was wasted but he wasn’t going to charge me because I was a nice person. HE said that he would send me a agreement to sign and that it was just a formality and that it was to protect us and them and that he wouldn’t release any monies until it was signed… he emailed it to  me and I signed it and sent it back which backs all of what I said. It is now Sept 26th and he refuses to not only answer my calls, emails and haven’t received the refund,  Please help me.. We cannot afford to just give 600.00 away… we are a small family with limited funds and now we are stuck in a 2br apartment which included are 6 adults and 3 children.  Thanks You  Reina RodriguezCell: 6 adults and 3 children.  Thanks You  Reina RodriguezCell: 774-322-6803Home 508-567-6340


Edited on: Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 10:54 am

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