rent control in Pomona, Ca. 91766

By Frank

My rent was raised over 12% and I’m living in a low income apartment  under the same program based on 30% and your income falls between $10.000 and $14,999 you pay a "flat rate’ as everyone else .My rent almost doubled compared to anyone else in this program >>WHY?

Edited on: Monday, September 13th, 2010 7:18 pm

2 Responses to “rent control in Pomona, Ca. 91766”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 10th, 2010 12:24 am

Frank, if you are living in an apartment that is rent controlled; the simple answer as to why your rent was increased is due to the following: Your rent control board authorized the increase or adjusted rates.

Your landlord will get as much rent as he/she can. In highly desirable areas where rent control mandates how much a landlord can charge also comes with its negatives… it also means that IF the rent control boards bumps rates up– landlords are almost guaranteed to raise rents to the new level. In a way, when rent control increases the max a landlord can charge– to most it means that is what should be charged.

Rent controlled areas are heavily regulated. Landlords will most likely do what they can to get the most rent. If you are being charged more it could be due to your contract being up for renewal first or because the landlord is cutting others a break. Landlords do have the right to charge different tenants different rates as long as its not in violation of a protected class such as race, color, sec, marital status, etc.


April 25th, 2011 2:11 pm

My current 1yr home lease is ending this May, my landlord wants to meet to renew the lease but is asking for recent paycheck stubs, 1040 tax form, credit report and would like to inspect the home, this seems like a lot of information to ask for when we are just going to be renewing the lease. If we provided this information when we first signed why do we need to provide this again?? Tonya


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