Reasonable time for inspection?
By Neb
Just wondering if anyone can help me out here with a question. I know that a landlord has to grant a 24 hour written notice to do an in home inspection in this state but how long is that notice good for? Over 2 weeks ago a man came to inspect with no notice at all, I told him no as there had been no notice at all and I live with an elderly woman who has to be told in advance that someone is coming or things are very difficult to work out. That night the landlord sent an e-mail saying that I should conciser my conversation with that man my 24 hours notice and that he would be sent to return the next day. The next day I waited at home all day to be there for this man, I canceled all appointments, but he never came. An e-mail was sent to the landlord that the man never came, but I never got a response from them about it.
Edited on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 11:13 am
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