Questions About Handling Lack of Assistance from Landlords

By Funktacious2


A little over two months ago a friend and I moved into a two bedroom apartment. Upon arrival the folks at the front office seamed nice and helped us through the lease process with no problems and all seamed nice. Then came noise problems. There were other initial noise complaints we made due to chidren playing in the halls outside, but the we became more concerned and serious when another tenant moved in above us. While, nothing about them upfront seems rude or unkind, there is often excessive noise issues. I consider myself a reasonable person, but it was enough for my roommate and I took contact the office once more.
In the lease it is said we have right to quiet at all hours of the day. So we called the office. The office seemed nice at first saying they’d "Handle it" which we would eventually learn it meant nothing. We said okay and that was that. It happened again the next day, but we gave it sometime before we contacted the office again. After a few days had passed and the noise remained the same as before we called them again, and the woman in the office became angry and basically said, "There is nothing else we can do."
If my lease contains a clause about a right to quiet and the landlord will not assist in my pursuit of this right, are they at fault for anything and is this grounds for a more formal complaint? If yes or no, what are some tips on how to handle this without having to try court or enduring the excessive noise.

Edited on: Friday, July 27th, 2012 10:09 pm

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