Question about lease issues

By Kristi

My questions is about lease.

We signed a lease last July. It started on 7/1/12 and it was for 1 year. We notified our landlord the middle of February that we were going to have to move out and were going to have to break our lease. But that we would do everything in our power to help them have the home rented before we moved out.
Luckily, they have found renters. The new renters lease is going to start on 5/1/13. Our landlord has asked that we be out by 4/23/13. This gives them 7 days to do any cleaning that they feel they need to do.
When we moved in, we paid first, last and a deposit for damages. We believe that our last months rent will not apply to April. They think we still need to pay April and then they can refund our rent at the end after we’ve moved out. 
Our landlord lives in Virginia and we live in Oregon. We know they have had a lot of financial hardship and we believe they are needing our money. We are also now having a lot of doubt that we will get any money back. 
My question – If our last month at the house is April and they have new tenants with a lease that starts May 1, doesn’t our last months rent that we already paid count for April?
Thank you

Edited on: Friday, March 22nd, 2013 1:18 pm

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