property manager fails to respond to repeated complaints

By nf

I have lived in my 4-plex for a year. Five months ago a young family moved in below me and they have been inordinately noisy (slamming doors, pounding on the walls, fighting, loud parties). I have repeatedly spoken to them and I thought we reached an agreement (I work at home, by the way.) I understand there will be some degree of noise, particularly in an older building. These tenants also smoke in the building, which is not allowed. The property manager served them a 3-day notice for smoking and for noise. Nothing changed except now they have a bunch of young friends spending weeks here (off the lease, mind you) taking up parking spaces and increasing the noise level. Additionally, they continue to smoke and have broken a window and trashed the apartment. I have called the police on several occasions when the situation warrants (i.e. loud music at night); however, the rest of it is sporadic.

I have repeatedly complained to the property manager (who is 24 and this is is first job) who has sat in my apartment and heard the noise and commented that it was, in fact, unreasonable. I also have dozens of emails from him which amount to, basically, that he doesn’t want a vacancy and "doesn’t know what to do." Of course, he adds that he is grateful I’m here to keep an eye on things and am a model tenant. Nevertheless, he has done nothing except post signs, so I sent a certified letter to his boss and was told they would check on it. Of course, nobody has been by. I cannot imagine that the property owner would want his property to be so poorly cared for (there’s another tenant who smokes in the building as well.) He has also told me that he has spoken to the tenants beneath me and told them that I am complaining about them everyday.
I have since been emailing and leaving messages with the property manager who does not bother to reply. Today, I received an email that said maybe it would be better if I looked for another place to live; however, if I decided to renew (I am planning a shorter-term renewal as I am financially unable to move at the present time) I would have to sign a letter saying that the "conditions of the property are not bad enough to warrant moving out." I’d like to know if this "letter" is legal and/or if I could later claim duress should any legal action be necessary. I used to enjoy living here and now hate it and I shouldn’t have to move because other tenants are disrespectful. That’s what the property manager is for–to MANAGE.
I would also like to know if any retaliation that may occur by the tenants below me against me as a direct result of the property manager’s telling them that I am the one complaining, would render both him and the property management company liable for any damages. 
The property manager is violating his end of the terms of the rental agreement by not enforcing the other tenants’ behavior (not to mention that repairs are done shoddily…typically things are "fixed" with glue) and I am seriously at my wit’s end. 
I have ALL correspondence between us and have recorded all conversations. Any input would be greatly appreciated. 

Edited on: Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 7:20 pm

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