problems with the landlord repairs
By melissa anderson
we are renting a house and the landlord will not fix anything the only thing he says is when i get the rent money i will fix it, again not true because i pay him and nothing still gets done and the sink is falling in from the person that lived here before us and the sink in the bathroom is leaking all over the floor the tub does not drain so you can take a bath and a shower at the same time, the centeral air is not working and with it being in the 80’s it is hot in here my husband is on oxygen, so when i called him all he says is house as is i am not buying it i am just renting it there are 2 brothers that have the house so i have to deal with 2 of them one lives not far from me and the other one lives far south and i have never meet him just on the phone, and when some one does show up they are all family members which doesn’t bother me but he yelled at my husband one day and said on a sunday one of his repair men came over and said no one answered the door and that costes him money becasue no one answered not true becasue i have 2 dogs that bark at there own shadows and we were all home, i know that didn’t cost him alot because it was his daughters husband which he never did anything,then the house keeps popping breakers i said some thing to him no plug ins work the brother that lives by did all of the wireing and the pluming and there are plug ins that spark well the electriction came by again a family friend all he said was the wires need replace never came back. when i called about the centeral air all he said it hasn’t worked in 3 years that made me mad i said well your brother said he will fix it this spring and all he said was i will talk to him, i had to take a trip to arizona my dad was sick so my 17 year old son stayed home to take care of the dogs and my brother that lives down the street checked on him every day the landlord that lives here came over one day drunk yelled at my son cusing him out saying he was going to call CPS on me for leaving my 13 year old home alone and my daughter that was 14 and she was with me my kids are 17 and 20 and my brother was by every day. we were on our way back home when my son called my brother he came right over and the landlord was gone my brother ran into him at the store he came in yelling and screaming at me brother drunk and on drugs, all i told him is that he will poligise to my son and he will not, iam sick of this i can pay my rent but i am tired of being srewed is there any thing i can do please help me someone
Edited on: Monday, August 6th, 2012 3:29 pm
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