Problems with maintenance, fiance is being evicted.
By Renter's frustrated fiance
I have a couple of complaints that I would appreciate others’ input on. My fiance has been renting from the apartment company he’s lived in for over two years. When he moved in, he was married, then got a divorce. He had her name taken off the lease over a year ago. He is currently trying to get social security disability and is also being evicted from his apartment. He has severe back problems and has been in and out of the hospital numerous times for other ailments and surgery since I have know him. I usually come over to visit with him 3 to 5 days out of the week, and also to help him complete cleaning chores he can’t otherwise do himself. He lost his job in November of 2007 due to injury, and I have accompanied him to the hospital several times since.
First I’d like to say that he has had severe water leaks in his apartment and has notified management countless times, (many in MY presence) and maintenance has come up to his residence and actually told him that "they wouldn’t fix anything until it is POURING" out of the faucets in the tub OR kitchen sink. His tub was dripping when he called them, they came up, told him that, he showed them the leaking faucet in the kitchen, and they said the same thing. As I am over to clean and help him with daily tasks quite often, I have noticed mold growing in his bathroom, tiles coming off his shower area, and grout falling out, and more recently (last week) noticed severe mold growth under his kitchen sink, as well as the floor coming/bowing upward in his kitchen. Since I was in his presence during many of these calls, i.e. a witness, when he goes to court for the eviction, is there any way to appeal this due to the fact that the landlord broke their lease before he did? Is there any way to get an extension for the eviction, more time to move out/find another residence? He has no family in the area, his closest relatives are hundreds of miles away, and I am still living with family due to the fact that I’ve recently been laid off. Is there anything that protects a tenant in this case?
Any help or comments are appreciated! Especially those familiar with PA’s laws regarding this situation!
Edited on: Wednesday, September 29th, 2010 12:06 pm
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