Problems With Having The Landlord To Do Repairs Since Nov 2011
By Sherry
I’ve been renting out a unit at 69 lakeview circle for 10 months since the time I’ve moved here I’ve been requesting to have my unit repaired for the safety of myself, my children and the other tenants verbally and in writing by sending the landlord e-mails, a list of things that needs to be repaired it’s now august and i’m still waiting nothing has been done about the needed repairs so as of April i stop paying my rent and i inform the landlord that i wasn’t going to pay my rent cause she hasn’t fixed my unit and it’s unsafe when I say repairs I mean electrical outlets, light fixtures are about to fall, bathroom outlets don’t work at all, hole in security screen door with rust, hole in front door, outlets needs to be changed when things are plugged in it falls from the sockets, had no kitchen light for a couple of months, screen door is lifted bugs are coming in from space, ceiling fan would shake when in uses light needs to be changed, icebox didn’t come cold, wheels are missing from closet doors. This apartment complex is cockroach infested and is unhealthy you see them every where in the complex the landlord knows about the problem and doesn’t seem to care one bit. In July my rice cooker caught on fire where my apartment was filled with thick black smoke and a week later my cable wire was smoking and melted had to wait 2 weeks to have the cable people come out to fix it landlord was notified she called an electrician to come out without giving me notice the electrician changed the outlet that caused the fire and I asked him what was the problem with the outlet and he said that the outlet was grounding out he was suppose to come back out to fix the rest of the electrical problems I have in my unit but never came back then my husband finds out he has some kind of bacteria in his body called Heliobacter Pylori I tried to inform the landlord about it I waited half an hour to talk to her and she just ignored me so i approached her and asked her if she was ignoring me and she said i’m so stress out with people not paying their electric bill and i responded i’m sorry to hear that but i need to talk to you about my husband and she said i’ll call you to set up a day and a time so we can talk and she never did so i called the board of water supply cause the water smells like sewer in the kitchen and bathroom took water samples and one of the water sample was discolored had the water tested for bacteria by the board of water supply the test came back negative but board of water supply recommend that we not use the water because of the piping to stick with the bottled water so we use the bottled water for cooking, drinking and brushing our teeth. I got papers that she’s taking me to court for my back rent and late fees so from there I called the building inspector as well as the electrical inspector the landlord is in violation as what i was told by the building inspector this kind of landlords that just wanna collect rent and not obey the laws feel free to drive and see for yourself just exactly what i’m talking about the whole building complex needs repairs very unsafe and dangerous. The tenants shouldn’t have to wait so long for repairs landlords are obligated by law to make repairs within so many business days. If more picture’s are needed I have them on hand it says photo is to large. The max size is 2 MB i do have a lot of picture inside and outside of the complex. |
Edited on: Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 6:39 am
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