Pool gate requires key to Exit the pool

By prettByRD

Is it legal for an apartment complex to have a fenced in pool area with a gate that’s requires a key to unlock it to Exit??

I was one of my dad’s guests swimming at the outdoor pool at his apartment complex. Theres is about a 10 ft high fence around the whole pool area and it requires a key to unlock the gate to get in, which only the tenants have. That makes sense, but when I tried to exit the pool area to bring my son to the bathroom, I couldn’t even EXIT without my dad’s key. Is it legal for them to lock you in?? 

Edited on: Friday, September 9th, 2011 9:20 pm

One Response to “Pool gate requires key to Exit the pool”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 10th, 2010 12:34 am

Yes, its perfectly legal– but not too practical. Most pool gates will have a simple locking mechanism that will only lock from the outside, but it is common to have pool gates lock entirely. I’m guessing your property management company has some logic behind the required key, but its probably not justified.

Remember, anytime a pool is for 3 units or more it is considered a commercial pool and inspected by your city’s pool inspector. Oddly enough, it may have been the city pool inspector that required the lock to require a key for entry and exit.

I had a pool at a rental and quickly discovered that the pool inspector for my city was a power hungry jerk. He could find any reason to shut me down and would constantly require non-important upgrades.

If you are still baffled by this, contact the pool inspector and see what they say about it. If you talk nice enough, he/she may push the issue during the next visit to get your landlord to replace the lock. Never hurts to ask.


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